The listing utility is shipped with the fasm package. Firstly you need to compile its source to an object file, then to link it using your system's linker, not fasm.
I suspect the…
form, where valid
Negative: Older browsers (KolibriOS?)
This is exactly the reason why most links are still http. If some sites don't work with http, the corresponding links should be updated. If a site works…
We are having a hard time switching from svn to git now. This is partially because of svn features that git lacks, e.g. svn-keywords. Maybe we shouldn't repeat our mistakes and hardcode git specific commands now. If get-current-revision is an external command to get an svn revision number, let's use something like get-current-commit-hash for git. Or, even better, get-current-commit-id. The last one looks even more VCS-neutral, i.e. future-proof.
Do we need that offset at all?
Yes. We're planning 2 image variants: release (versioned) and night build, where offset will show how far this image from release
Why would we want to…