format ELF __DEBUG__ = 1 __DEBUG_LEVEL__ = 1 extrn malloc malloc fix __malloc _malloc fix malloc extrn free free fix __free _free fix free sys_msg_board equ _sys_msg_board cli equ nop lang fix en preboot_blogesc = 0 ; start immediately after bootlog pci_code_sel = 0 VESA_1_2_VIDEO = 0 ; enable vesa 1.2 bank switch functions purge mov,add,sub purge mov,add,sub section '.text' executable align 16 coverage_begin: public coverage_begin include '' macro diff16 blah1,blah2,blah3 { } include '' include '' include '' ;OS_BASE = os_base LFB_BASE = lfb_base SLOT_BASE = os_base + 0x00080000 window_data = os_base + 0x00001000 WIN_STACK = os_base + 0x0000C000 WIN_POS = os_base + 0x0000C400 KEY_COUNT = os_base + 0x0000F400 KEY_BUFF = os_base + 0x0000F401 ; 120*2 + 2*2 = 244 bytes, actually 255 bytes BTN_COUNT = os_base + 0x0000F500 BTN_BUFF = os_base + 0x0000F501 BTN_ADDR = os_base + 0x0000FE88 TASK_BASE = os_base + 0x00003010 CURRENT_TASK = os_base + 0x00003000 TASK_COUNT = os_base + 0x00003004 TASK_BASE = os_base + 0x00003010 include '' include '' ; block and fs include 'blkdev/' include 'blkdev/' include 'fs/' include '' ; video include 'core/' include 'video/' include 'video/' include 'video/' include 'video/' include '' include 'gui/' include 'gui/' load_file equ __load_file include 'gui/' restore load_file include 'gui/' include 'gui/' include 'sha3.asm' struct VDISK File dd ? SectCnt DQ ? SectSize dd ? ; sector size ends public sha3_256_oneshot as 'hash_oneshot' proc sha3_256_oneshot c uses ebx esi edi ebp, _ctx, _data, _len stdcall sha3_256.oneshot, [_ctx], [_data], [_len] ret endp align 4 syscall_getpixel: ; GetPixel mov ecx, [_display.width] xor edx, edx mov eax, ebx div ecx mov ebx, edx xchg eax, ebx and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 use mouseunder area call dword [GETPIXEL]; eax - x, ebx - y mov [esp + 32], ecx ret align 4 calculate_fast_getting_offset_for_WinMapAddress: ; calculate data area for fast getting offset to _WinMapAddress xor eax, eax mov ecx, [_display.height] mov edi, d_width_calc_area cld @@: stosd add eax, [_display.width] dec ecx jnz @r ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 calculate_fast_getting_offset_for_LFB: ; calculate data area for fast getting offset to LFB xor eax, eax mov ecx, [_display.height] mov edi, BPSLine_calc_area cld @@: stosd add eax, [_display.lfb_pitch] dec ecx jnz @r redrawscreen: force_redraw_background: ret ; TODO: move to trace_lbr public set_eflags_tf set_eflags_tf: pushfd pop eax mov ecx, [esp + 4] and ecx, 1 shl ecx, 8 ; TF and eax, NOT (1 SHL 8) or eax, ecx push eax popfd ret ; TODO: move to trace_lwp public get_lwp_event_size get_lwp_event_size: mov eax, 0x80000001 cpuid bt ecx, 15 jnc .no_lwp mov eax, 0x8000001c cpuid and eax, 1001b cmp eax, 1001b jnz .no_lwp movzx eax, bh ret .no_lwp: xor eax, eax ret public kos_getcwd proc kos_getcwd c uses ebx esi edi ebp, _buf, _len mov eax, 30 mov ebx, 2 mov ecx, [_buf] mov edx, [_len] call sys_current_directory ret endp public kos_cd proc kos_cd c uses ebx esi edi ebp, _path mov eax, 30 mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, [_path] call sys_current_directory ret endp public kos_time_to_epoch proc kos_time_to_epoch c uses ebx esi edi ebp, _time mov esi, [_time] call fsCalculateTime add eax, 978307200 ; epoch to 2001.01.01 ret endp public kos_init proc kos_init c uses ebx esi edi ebp MEMORY_BYTES = 128 SHL 20 DISPLAY_WIDTH = 400 DISPLAY_HEIGHT = 300 mov [pg_data.mem_amount], MEMORY_BYTES mov [pg_data.pages_count], MEMORY_BYTES / PAGE_SIZE mov [pg_data.pages_free], MEMORY_BYTES / PAGE_SIZE mov dword[sysdir_name], 'sys' mov dword[sysdir_path], 'HD0/' mov word[sysdir_path+4], '1' mov eax, SLOT_BASE + 2*256 mov [current_slot], eax mov word[cur_dir.path], '/' mov [eax+APPDATA.cur_dir], cur_dir mov [eax+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left], 0 mov [], 0 mov dword[CURRENT_TASK], 2 mov dword[TASK_COUNT], 2 mov dword[TASK_BASE], CURRENT_TASK + 2*sizeof.TASKDATA mov [_display.x], 0 mov [_display.y], 0 mov [_display.width], DISPLAY_WIDTH mov [_display.lfb_pitch], DISPLAY_WIDTH*4 mov [_display.height], DISPLAY_HEIGHT mov [PUTPIXEL], Vesa20_putpixel32 mov [GETPIXEL], Vesa20_getpixel32 mov [_display.bytes_per_pixel], 4 mov [_display.bits_per_pixel], 32 mov [MOUSE_PICTURE], dword mousepointer call calculate_fast_getting_offset_for_WinMapAddress call calculate_fast_getting_offset_for_LFB mov [X_UNDER], 500 mov [Y_UNDER], 500 mov word[MOUSE_X], 40 mov word[MOUSE_Y], 30 mov eax, [_display.width] mul [_display.height] mov [_display.win_map_size], eax mov [_display.check_mouse], check_mouse_area_for_putpixel_new mov [_display.check_m_pixel], check_mouse_area_for_getpixel_new stdcall kernel_alloc, eax mov [_display.win_map], eax mov [BgrDrawMode], eax mov [BgrDataWidth], eax mov [BgrDataHeight], eax mov [mem_BACKGROUND], 4 mov [img_background], static_background_data ; from set_variables xor eax, eax mov [BTN_ADDR], dword BUTTON_INFO ; address of button list mov byte [KEY_COUNT], al ; keyboard buffer mov byte [BTN_COUNT], al ; button buffer call set_window_defaults mov [skin_data], 0 call load_default_skin mov eax, 0 mov ebx, (0 SHL 16)+300 mov ecx, (0 SHL 16)+200 mov edx, 0x34000088 mov esi, 0x00008800 mov edi, window_title call syscall_draw_window mov eax, 1 mov ebx, 0 mov ecx, 0 mov edx, 0x000000ff call syscall_setpixel mov eax, 1 mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, 1 mov edx, 0x00ff0000 call syscall_setpixel mov eax, 1 mov ebx, 2 mov ecx, 2 mov edx, 0x0000ff00 call syscall_setpixel mov eax, 38 mov ebx, (10 SHL 16) + 510 mov ecx, (10 SHL 16) + 510 mov edx, 0x00ff0000 call syscall_drawline mov eax, 13 mov ebx, (60 SHL 16) + 20 mov ecx, (30 SHL 16) + 20 mov edx, 0x0000ff00 call syscall_drawrect mov eax, 7 mov ebx, chess_image mov ecx, (8 SHL 16) + 8 mov edx, (5 SHL 16) + 15 call syscall_putimage mov eax, 65 mov ebx, chess_image mov ecx, (12 SHL 16) + 12 mov edx, (5 SHL 16) + 30 mov esi, 9 mov edi, 0 mov ebp, 0 call sys_putimage_palette mov eax, 4 mov ebx, (10 SHL 16) + 70 mov ecx, 0xffff00 mov edx, window_title mov esi, 5 mov edi, 0 call syscall_writetext mov eax, 8 mov ebx, (55 SHL 16) + 40 mov ecx, (5 SHL 16) + 20 mov edx, 0x20c0ffee mov esi, 0x00dddddd call syscall_button mov eax, 47 mov ebx, 0x80040000 mov ecx, 1234 mov edx, (5 SHL 16) + 45 mov esi, 0x50ffff00 mov edi, 0x000000ff call display_number ret endp window_title db 'hello',0 public kos_disk_add proc kos_disk_add c uses ebx esi edi ebp, _file_name, _disk_name extrn cio_disk_init ccall cio_disk_init, [_file_name] stdcall disk_add, vdisk_functions, [_disk_name], eax, DISK_NO_INSERT_NOTIFICATION push eax stdcall disk_media_changed, eax, 1 pop edx movi ecx, 1 mov esi, [edx+DISK.Partitions] .next_part: cmp ecx, [edx+DISK.NumPartitions] ja .part_done DEBUGF 1, "/%s/%d: ", [edx+DISK.Name], ecx lodsd inc ecx cmp [eax+PARTITION.FSUserFunctions], xfs._.user_functions jnz @f DEBUGF 1, "xfs\n" jmp .next_part @@: cmp [eax+PARTITION.FSUserFunctions], ext_user_functions jnz @f DEBUGF 1, "ext\n" jmp .next_part @@: cmp [eax+PARTITION.FSUserFunctions], fat_user_functions jnz @f DEBUGF 1, "fat\n" jmp .next_part @@: cmp [eax+PARTITION.FSUserFunctions], ntfs_user_functions jnz @f DEBUGF 1, "ntfs\n" jmp .next_part @@: DEBUGF 1, "???\n" jmp .next_part .part_done: xor eax, eax ret .error: movi eax, 1 ret endp public kos_disk_del proc kos_disk_del c uses ebx esi edi ebp, _name mov eax, [] .next_disk: cmp eax, disk_list jz .not_found mov esi, [eax+DISK.Name] mov edi, [_name] @@: movzx ecx, byte[esi] cmpsb jnz .skip jecxz .found jmp @b .skip: mov eax, [] jmp .next_disk .found: stdcall disk_del, eax xor eax, eax ret .not_found: movi eax, 1 ret endp public kos_lfn proc kos_lfn c uses ebx edx esi edi ebp, _f7080arg, _f7080ret, _f70or80 push ebx mov ebx, [_f7080arg] pushad ; file_system_lfn writes here cmp [_f70or80], 80 jz .f80 .f70: call file_system_lfn jmp .done .f80: call fileSystemUnicode .done: popad mov ecx, [_f7080ret] mov [ecx+0], eax ; status mov [ecx+4], ebx ; count pop ebx ret endp proc vdisk_close stdcall uses ebx esi edi ebp, _userdata extrn cio_disk_free ccall cio_disk_free, [_userdata] ret endp proc vdisk_read stdcall uses ebx esi edi ebp, _userdata, _buffer, _startsector:qword, _numsectors extrn cio_disk_read ccall cio_disk_read, [_userdata], [_buffer], dword[_startsector+0], dword[_startsector+4], [_numsectors] movi eax, DISK_STATUS_OK ret endp proc vdisk_write stdcall uses ebx esi edi ebp, userdata, buffer, startsector:qword, numsectors extrn cio_disk_write ccall cio_disk_write, [userdata], [buffer], dword[startsector+0], dword[startsector+4], [numsectors] movi eax, DISK_STATUS_OK ret endp proc vdisk_querymedia stdcall uses ebx esi edi ebp, vdisk, mediainfo mov ecx, [mediainfo] mov edx, [vdisk] mov [ecx + DISKMEDIAINFO.Flags], 0 mov eax, [edx + VDISK.SectSize] mov [ecx + DISKMEDIAINFO.SectorSize], eax mov eax, [edx + VDISK.SectCnt.lo] mov dword [ecx + DISKMEDIAINFO.Capacity + 0], eax mov eax, [edx + VDISK.SectCnt.hi] mov dword [ecx + DISKMEDIAINFO.Capacity + 4], eax movi eax, DISK_STATUS_OK ret endp proc __malloc push ecx edx ccall _malloc, eax pop edx ecx ret endp proc kernel_alloc _size mov eax, [_size] call malloc ret endp proc alloc_kernel_space _size mov eax, [_size] call malloc ret endp proc alloc_pages _cnt mov eax, [_cnt] shl eax, 12 call malloc ret endp proc __free ccall _free, eax ret endp proc kernel_free base mov eax, [base] call free xor eax, eax ret endp proc _sys_msg_board cmp cl, 0x0d jz @f pushad mov eax, SYS_WRITE mov ebx, STDOUT push ecx mov ecx, esp mov edx, 1 int 0x80 pop ecx popad @@: ret endp align 16 ;very often call this subrutine memmove: ; memory move in bytes ; eax = from ; ebx = to ; ecx = no of bytes test ecx, ecx jle .ret push esi edi ecx mov edi, ebx mov esi, eax test ecx, not 11b jz @f push ecx shr ecx, 2 rep movsd pop ecx and ecx, 11b jz .finish ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: rep movsb ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .finish: pop ecx edi esi ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .ret: ret proc my_putpixel DEBUGF 1,"hello from my putpixel!\n" ret endp sys_msg_board_str: protect_from_terminate: unprotect_from_terminate: change_task: ReadCDWRetr: WaitUnitReady: prevent_medium_removal: Read_TOC: commit_pages: release_pages: fs_execute: mutex_init: mutex_lock: mutex_unlock: alloc_page: map_page: free_kernel_space: cache_ide0: cache_ide1: wakeup_osloop: read_process_memory: .forced: ret proc __load_file _filename push ebx ecx edx esi edi stdcall kernel_alloc, skin_size push eax mov esi, skin mov edi, eax mov ecx, skin_size rep movsb pop eax pop edi esi edx ecx ebx ret endp coverage_end: public coverage_end section '.data' writeable align 64 include_debug_strings vdisk_functions: dd vdisk_functions_end - vdisk_functions dd 0;vdisk_close ; close dd 0 ; closemedia dd vdisk_querymedia dd vdisk_read dd vdisk_write dd 0 ; flush dd 0 ; adjust_cache_size vdisk_functions_end: disk_name db 'hd0',0 ;IncludeIGlobals skin file 'skin.skn' skin_size = $ - skin include 'hid/' include 'gui/' screen_workarea RECT display_width_standard dd 0 display_height_standard dd 0 do_not_touch_winmap db 0 window_minimize db 0 sound_flag db 0 chess_image db \ 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, \ 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, \ 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, \ 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, \ 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, \ 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, \ 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, \ 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, \ 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, \ 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, \ 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, \ 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, \ 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, \ 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, \ 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, \ 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xff,0xff,0xff fl_moving db 0 rb 3 ;section '.bss' writeable align 16 ;IncludeUGlobals ;section '.bss' writeable align 16 ;IncludeUGlobals ; crap DiskNumber db ? ChannelNumber db ? DevErrorCode dd ? CDSectorAddress dd ? CDDataBuf_pointer dd ? ;DRIVE_DATA: rb 0x4000 ;cdpos dd ? ;cd_appl_data dd ? ;current_slot dd ? ;pg_data PG_DATA ide_channel1_mutex MUTEX ide_channel2_mutex MUTEX ide_channel3_mutex MUTEX ide_channel4_mutex MUTEX ide_channel5_mutex MUTEX ide_channel6_mutex MUTEX ide_channel7_mutex MUTEX ide_channel8_mutex MUTEX os_base rb 0x400000 public lfb_base_addr as 'kos_lfb_base' lfb_base_addr dd lfb_base lfb_base rd MAX_SCREEN_WIDTH*MAX_SCREEN_HEIGHT cur_dir: .encoding rb 1 .path rb maxPathLength BgrAuxTable rb 32768 BgrAuxTable equ SB16Buffer rb 65536 SB16Buffer equ BUTTON_INFO rb 64*1024 BUTTON_INFO equ include ''